Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Sowing Good Seed

Posted by Mark
(A friend suggested that we inform you at the TOP of each post who is writing it. What a good suggestion!)

Yesterday began a new chapter in my life. Only time will tell how long this chapter will last. My hope is that this will be an entirely new lifestyle for me and for our whole family. The new chapter begins with a choice to eat more healthily. I desire to be a good steward of the body that God has given to me; therefore, I choose to eat differently. I must admit that this decision did not come lightly. I greatly enjoy many foods that are not particularly healthy and some that are downright unhealthy. I would prefer to eat whatever I want whenever I want it. Unfortunately, my body was not designed to stay fit and trim with that eating plan. My expanding waistline would eventually be the death of me.

I had to wrestle with myself over making a choice that would benefit me over the long run (20-30-40 years) or make the choice that feels good today. Oh, how I would rather live in the moment! That was the state of mind in which I found myself when I heard a challenge on the radio regarding sowing and reaping. The line of thinking was this: if you want to win long term then you have to sow good seed now in order to reap the benefits in the future. It hit me like a ton of bricks! I was immediately drawn to sow good decisions that would yield a harvest that I want in the future.

Even though I was armed with my inspiration to sow good seed, I must admit that I am a complainer. My wife will tell you that if I don’t like something I will complain. There have been many times over the past couple weeks that I have complained sarcastically about this new lifestyle and how it will impact me negatively. One of my running jokes is “If it doesn’t taste good then you can eat all you want of it!” In fact, I think that might be the primary rule for eating now. Of course, I am kidding …well, maybe not completely.

In my struggle to make good decisions regarding healthy eating, I had to confront my own selfish desires to consume food that is unhealthy. To choose a healthy lifestyle seems like such a huge decision now, but in light of the overall health and stewardship of my body it is not all that great a sacrifice. My desire to reap the benefits of a healthy diet have challenged me to live my life in such a way that I am sowing the seeds that will produce the result I want.

Are you sowing seed that will produce the harvest you want to reap?

1 comment:

  1. That reminds me of the guy who went to the Doctor, who told him he was going to have to change the way he was eating due to his poor health. He said "but Doc how do I know what to eat" to which the Doctor replied "If it taste good, spit it out". :)

