Wednesday, December 30, 2009

New Beginnings

I am not a huge fan of the New Year's resolutions that so many people are making right now. Oh, I have made my share of them, and I have broken my share of them. As an ex-perfectionist, I realize that most of my New Year's resolutions were unrealistic and only set me up for failure yet again.

I do understand the allure of the New Year's resolution. The New Year is a natural time for new beginnings. I have found that God is all about new beginnings. Rather than waiting for a new year, I believe He is showing me that His mercies are "new every morning" (Lam 3:22-23). I do not have to wait for a new year or even plan some big beginning at the start of a new year. At the beginning of each new day, I can start afresh. As I continue to learn and grow, I find His mercies new and His grace abundant for each new day. What a comfort!

With that said, I have come to truly appreciate the week between Christmas and New Year's. It has become my time to reflect on the previous twelve months and look forward to the year ahead. As I reread journal entries and remember the year's events, I am always amazed at all that God has done in my life over the past year. I find it productive to evaluate how I am doing and seek the direction that God is leading me for the upcoming year. I enjoy dreaming of the future and considering what concrete steps God may be urging me to take toward the realization of those dreams.

This year has seen some pretty amazing changes in my life. Some of these changes are obvious to the outside observer. Our family has purchased and settled into a new house. No more renting and waiting to sell our old house. God has also brought us to a fabulous church. I cannot express how good it feels to again become connected with a local body of Christ. Each of our children has grown another year older and experienced the milestones that go along with that. If I were to look, I am sure that I would also find an additional gray hair or maybe even a wrinkle to evidence the fact that I have also grown another year older.

Though the external changes are evident, it is what God is doing inside that excites me the most. He has continued to prove to me that I can trust Him. He has taken care of every detail of our relocation in His perfect time, even though that may not have always corresponded with my time.

I have also received a deeper revelation of two companion truths. First, God has consistently reminded me that He is always with me. I am being challenged to live with an ever-increasing awareness of His constant presence. Second, God has truly given me a greater understanding of Romans 8:28. What can I possibly find about which to worry or fear when God has promised that He is working all things for my ultimate good? I am not saying it is easy, especially when things happen that do not feel good, but the peace is incredible!

If I have a theme song for this year, I would have to say it is "How Can I Keep from Singing" by Chris Tomlin. If you are not familiar with the song, it is worth checking out. Even if you are familiar, it is worth a re-listen. It's all good, but my favorite line has become, "I know I am loved by the King, and it makes my heart want to sing". I know I am loved by the King. What else truly matters?

So what lies ahead? Obviously, only God knows the future; however, there are a few areas in which I believe He is focusing my attention. Our family is continuing to take steps toward healthier living in an effort to become better stewards of the physical bodies He has given to us. Since what we eat is a big part of this and I am the chief cook around here, I am anticipating change and the stretching that always seems to bring. I am also challenged to dive deeper into the Bible. I do not want to read and memorize Scripture because I should. I want to do it because His Word is life, and I am learning more and more that life is priceless.

What about you? What has your journey been like this past year and where do you anticipate you may be one year from now?

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